Customer Service Aptitude Test

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About the test

The Customer Service Aptitude test evaluates the ability to help customers, and skills in logical, numerical, and verbal reasoning.

The vital skills assessed in this test for daily tasks at work include:

  • Using interpersonal skills to handle difficult situations effectively.
  • Identifying underlying issues and appropriate resolutions.
  • Logical, numerical, and verbal reasoning to deduce and quantify customers' needs and solutions.

Roles that involve customer support such as customer service representative and call center agent need to display a high level of interpersonal skills and keen problem-solving abilities.

Sample public questions

2 min
Issue Resolution
Customer Service
Insufficient Information

The customer you are speaking with needs help solving a relatively common problem with his computer printer. Early on in the conversation, you realize he is not at home and can't provide the model number and other information you normally need to process this request. How do you proceed with the call once you discover this information?

7 min
Customer Emails
Angry Customer
Cancellation Threats
Customer Service
Manually Scored

You are on the support team for a cable/internet company and you have received the following email from a customer, Mike Smith:

I am very upset that your installation tech did not come to my home today at the appointed time. I took time off from work, all for no reason! I was told he should arrive between 12:00 and 5:00. He didn’t get here until 5:45. I could have just stayed at work since I normally get home at 5:30. This is not a good way to start my new service with you and I am already considering canceling!

A quick check of the notes on the customer’s account shows that the tech was scheduled to arrive ideally between 12:00 and 5:00pm, but didn’t get there until about 5:45 because of heavy traffic resulting from a car accident on one of the major crosstown roadways.

Please draft your response to this customer in the box below.

2 min
Interpersonal Skills
Customer Service
Technology Challenged

An elderly customer calls with a problem finding some product information on your company’s website. He is nice enough, just frustrated and hopeless because he can’t find what he needs. The information he’s looking for is too long and complicated to share over the phone. What are the best next steps?

5 min
Logical Reasoning
Appeal to Probability
Deductive Reasoning
Faulty Generalization

In college, Jill taught Sam different math theorems.

After leaving college, Jill forgot more math theorems than Sam learned from her.

Based only on the above, which of the below must be true statements.

3 min
Verbal Reasoning
Inductive Reasoning

In an upcoming referendum, voters will be asked whether the minimum wage should be increased. Telephone polls of likely voters were conducted to predict what the result might be. All respondents were put into at least one of six categories based on profession and age: scientist, lawyer, hourly wage earner, small business owner, younger voter, older voter.

The opinion polls showed:

  • A majority of voters are in favor of keeping the current minimum wage.
  • A majority of scientists and lawyers supported a rise in the minimum wage.
  • Younger voters are more inclined to support a rise in the minimum wage.
  • Older voters tend to support no change.
  • Hourly wage earners overwhelmingly supported a rise in the minimum wage.
  • Small business owners were evenly split on the subject.

Select all the statements that can be concluded from the above text:

5 min
Numerical Reasoning
Table Lookup

Which product line saw the largest absolute increase in income (dollar amount, not percentage) in the second half of the year compared to the first half of the year?

Product line Quarters
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
C# $26,000 $27,000 $33,000 $15,000
JavaScript $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $18,000
HTML/CSS $1,000 $5,000 $7,000 $1,000
PHP $12,000 $11,000 $14,000 $13,000
Ruby $4,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000

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Life Expectancy, Product Defect, Angry Jones, Employee of the Year, Workplace, Math Courses, Blue-collar Workers, Candidate Answers, Road Trip, Kindergarten, Penny Flipping, World Championship, All-Stars, Masked Burglar, Free Calls, Broken Clock, Digits to Employees, Pages Turned, Olive Oil Press, Discount, Gear Wheels, Cooking Oil, Shirt Colors, Pet Supplies, Vacation Days, Break, Thief, Alarm System, Condominium, Working Week, Fossil Dig, Bikers, Elves, Mold, Laptop Setup, Gas Price, Gas Price Change, Busy Intersection, Fruit Juice Processing, Riviera Hotels, Uber, Renewable Energy, Flower Exports, Lucky Roller, Customer Parking, Digital Ads, Holidays, Tax, Money, Troubleshooting Flowchart, Red Black Chart, Clock Hands, Currency Exchange, Ears, Marbles, Pages, Profit Margin, Revenue Growth, Revenue No Growth, Spin the Wheel, Traffic Counter, Turtles, Middle Ages Warlords, Football Stadium Renovation, Plans, Clock Angles, Employees to Digits, Thank You Email, Elementary School, Game Rules, Drawing the Next Card, Award for Ana, Business Reports, Complaining Customers, Highs and Lows, Pink Diamonds, A Bad Good Year, Office Space, Auto Oversight, Kids on Apps, Coffee and Cake, Snack, Feature Usage, Soda and Battery, Travel Club, Pricing Mistake, Closed Deals, Parking Garage, Store Delivery, Restaurant Kitchen, Warehouse Monitoring, Profits, Race Track, Water Tank, Product of the Day, Data Exposure, Unavailable Teammate, Refund Demand, Cancelled Customer, Eco Refrigerator, Service Failure, Critical Client.

Skills and topics tested

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Inductive Reasoning
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Customer Service
  • Customer Emails
  • Customer Feedback
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Fallacy of the Undistributed Middle
  • Fallacy of Exclusive Premises
  • Fallacy of Division
  • Fallacy of Composition
  • Set Theory
  • Gambler's Fallacy
  • Affirming a Disjunct
  • Masked-Man Fallacy
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Table Lookup
  • Arithmetic
  • Unfulfilled Request
  • Angry Customer
  • Customer Complaint
  • Understanding Rules
  • Working with Time
  • Argument from Fallacy
  • Affirming the Consequent
  • Double Counting
  • Illicit Major
  • Percentages
  • Conjunction Fallacy
  • Critical Thinking
  • Most Effective Summary
  • True Statement
  • Existential Fallacy
  • Modal Fallacy
  • Newspaper Excerpts
  • Issue Resolution
  • Process Improvement
  • Correlation and Causation
  • Fractions
  • Rotating Elements
  • Cybersecurity Awareness
  • Circular Reasoning
  • Dependent Events
  • Probability
  • Venn Diagram
  • Return Request
  • Arithmetic Mean
  • Video
  • Upselling
  • Call Center

For job roles

  • Call Center Agent
  • Customer Support

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