Java Online Test
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The Java online test assesses knowledge of programming in the Java language and commonly used parts of the Java Class Library. This test requires solving live coding problems in Java.
The assessment includes work-sample tasks such as:
- Working with classes, objects, and interfaces to write reusable code.
- Using proper algorithms and data structures to optimize application performance.
- Taking advantage of the Java Class Library.
A good Java developer needs a solid understanding of the Java programming language as well as the Java Class Library and its functionality to write robust and maintainable code.
Sample public questions
Refactor the AlertService and MapAlertDAO classes:
- Create a new package-private interface, named AlertDAO, that contains the same methods as MapAlertDAO.
- MapAlertDAO should implement the AlertDAO interface.
- AlertService should have a public constructor that accepts AlertDAO.
- The raiseAlert and getAlertTime methods should use the object passed through the constructor.
Implement the uniqueNames method. When passed two arrays of names, it will return an array containing the names that appear in either or both arrays. The returned array should have no duplicates.
For example, calling MergeNames.uniqueNames(new String[]{'Ava', 'Emma', 'Olivia'}, new String[]{'Olivia', 'Sophia', 'Emma'}) should return an array containing Ava, Emma, Olivia, and Sophia in any order.
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Skills and topics tested
- Java
- Bug Fixing
- Language
- Exceptions
- Linked List
- Refactoring
- HashMap
- Iteration
- Lists
- Accessibility Levels
- ArrayList
- Regex
- Strings
- Class Modifiers
- Arithmetic
- Integer Division
- Performance Tuning
- Higher Order Function
- Interfaces
- Serialization
- Stream
- Memory Management
- Test Case Design
- Unit Testing
- Algorithmic Thinking
- Graphs
- Dynamic Programming
- HashSet
- Arrays
- Tree
- Queue
- StringBuilder
- Sorting
- Inheritance
- Multithreading
- Synchronization
- Dynamic Proxy Classes
- Abstract Class
- Classes
- Objects
- Stream API
- Complexity
- Stack
- Generics
- Random
- 2D Array
- Recursion
- Method Overriding
- AI Code Review
- Conditional Statements
- Dictionary
- Video
- Conditions
- Data Structures
- Loops
For job roles
- Back-End Developer
- Java Developer
- Web Developer
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