MongoDB Online Test

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About the test

The MongoDB online test assesses knowledge of MongoDB and NoSQL database concepts, such as flexible document schemas, indexes, and sharding.

The assessment includes work-sample tasks such as:

  • Sharding, updating, and retrieving data.
  • Tuning performance for responsiveness and scalability.
  • Analyzing and optimizing queries that extract relevant information based on specific requirements.

A good database admin or MongoDB developer needs a solid understanding of MongoDB’s NoSQL document schema and JSON-like structure to take advantage of its main features, such as indexes and sharding.

Sample public questions

3 min
Database Schema

You work for a mail delivery company and the tracker system uses MongoDB with the following document schema for the "Packages" collection:

  "_id": { "bsonType": "objectId" },
  "destination": { "type": "string" },
  "state": { "enum": ["preparing", "in transit", "delivered"] }

Select all the correct statements about the Packages collection.

5 min

You're working on a MongoDB database for a video game where players can sell their items, such as planks, to other players.

The Mongo Shell code to trade planks between players is the following:

// The seller and buyer variables were set to the ids of the seller and the buyer, respectively
// They both exist in the database
sellerPlayer = db.Players.findOne({ _id: seller });
buyerPlayer = db.Players.findOne({ _id: buyer });
if (sellerPlayer.planks >= 100 && >= 350) {
    db.Players.update({ _id: seller }, { $inc: { gold: 350, planks: -100 }});
    db.Players.update({ _id: buyer }, { $inc: { planks: 100, gold: -350 }});

What can be said about the code above in cases with no disconnections from the server?

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Skills and topics tested

  • MongoDB
  • Queries
  • Indexes
  • Performance Tuning
  • Data Storage
  • NoSQL
  • Sharding
  • Bug Fixing
  • Update

For job roles

  • Database Administrator
  • MongoDB Developer

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