Project Management Aptitude Test

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About the test

The Project Management Aptitude test evaluates handling project planning, risk and communication, and proficiency in logical, numerical, and verbal reasoning.

This test covers evaluating work-sample tasks encountered in projects, such as:

  • Identifying the elements necessary for a good project time plan.
  • Mitigating and exploiting risk strategically to optimize project success.
  • Logical, numerical, and verbal reasoning to deduce and quantify project solutions.

Roles such as Project Manager, Manager, and Team Lead should all demonstrate aptitude with project management to ensure positive outcomes that achieve business objectives.

Sample public questions

5 min
Numerical Reasoning
Chart Lookup

The charts below show the number of cars John sold last year and the profit per car he made.

A chart showing the number of cars sold and the profit per car.

How much did John earn last year?

2 min
Logical Reasoning
Conjunction Fallacy

In the summer, Agathe wore an ill-fitting sun hat and oversized sunglasses to the beach in Greece. Both slipped off when she fell asleep in her swimsuit on the beach at 2 p.m.

What will most likely happen to Agathe?

2 min
Verbal Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
True Statement

catCats are common pets throughout the world, and their worldwide population exceeds 500 million.

Cats are the second most popular pet in the U.S. by number of pets owned, behind freshwater fish. Although cat ownership has commonly been associated with women, research has shown that men and women in the U.S. are equally likely to own a cat.

They are ranked as the third most popular pet in the U.K. by number of pets owned, after fish and dogs, with 8 million being owned.

What can be concluded from the text above?

1 min
Project Planning
Project Management

How do the best project managers spend the majority of their time?

3 min
Time Management
Time Pressure

You have been assigned the following list of tasks, and your boss needs you to complete as many as you can in the next two weeks (10 work days) before you go on vacation.

Task Estimated Time to Complete
Compile Customer List 3 days
Write Newsletter Draft 2 days
Set Up Software 1 day
Develop Image Requirements 2 days
Design Landing Page 5 days
Embed Tracking 1 day
Outline Performance Report 1 day
Analyze Competitors 4 days

Which tasks will you complete before going on vacation?

2 min
Team Communication
Project Management

A team member calls you mid-flight to inform you about an idea to change one part of the solution design that she is going to present at tomorrow’s customer meeting. She briefly explains her idea to you, but the mobile connection is poor and the call is disturbed with noise and short interruptions. You don't feel fully informed about what she's proposing.

How do you respond?

3 min
Project Risk Management
Expected Monetary Value
Project Management

You need to pause one of the projects you manage because of a company-wide budget cut. You decide to pause your internet project because it is the least valuable. The project has a 70% chance of a 150,000 USD profit, but a 30% chance of a 30,000 USD loss.

What is the project’s monetary value?

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108 more premium Project Management Aptitude questions

Life Expectancy, Next Task, Event Booking, Project B, Workplace, Math Courses, Blue-collar Workers, Candidate Answers, Road Trip, Kindergarten, Penny Flipping, World Championship, All-Stars, Masked Burglar, Free Calls, Broken Clock, Digits to Employees, Pages Turned, Olive Oil Press, Discount, Gear Wheels, Cooking Oil, Vacation Days, On Time Arrival, Break, Thief, Alarm System, Condominium, Working Week, Fossil Dig, Bikers, Elves, Mold, Laptop Setup, Gas Price, Gas Price Change, Busy Intersection, Fruit Juice Processing, Riviera Hotels, Uber, Renewable Energy, Flower Exports, Lucky Roller, Customer Parking, Digital Ads, Holidays, Tax, Money, Red Black Chart, Busy Schedule, Clock Hands, Currency Exchange, Ears, Marbles, Pages, Profit Margin, Revenue Growth, Revenue No Growth, Spin the Wheel, Traffic Counter, Turtles, Middle Ages Warlords, Football Stadium Renovation, Whitepaper Estimate, Vacation Requests, Too Many Tasks, Brainstorming Session, Constant Change, Annual Report, Meeting Coordination, Plans, Clock Angles, Employees to Digits, Elementary School, Game Rules, Drawing the Next Card, Holiday Brochures, Award for Ana, Business Reports, Complaining Customers, Highs and Lows, Pink Diamonds, A Bad Good Year, Office Space, Auto Oversight, Kids on Apps, Coffee and Cake, Snack, Feature Usage, Closed Deals, Parking Garage, Store Delivery, Restaurant Kitchen, Warehouse Monitoring, Profits, Race Track, New Office, Water Tank, Stakeholder Communications, Team Arguments, Documentation, Crash Sponsor, Exploit Risk, Mitigate Risk, Plan Contribution, Insurance Value, Large Garden - Two Obstacles, Large Garden - Three Obstacles.

Skills and topics tested

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Inductive Reasoning
  • Project Planning
  • Project Management
  • Time Management
  • Finding Availability
  • Scheduling
  • Assigning Work
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Deductive Reasoning
  • Fallacy of the Undistributed Middle
  • Fallacy of Exclusive Premises
  • Fallacy of Division
  • Fallacy of Composition
  • Set Theory
  • Gambler's Fallacy
  • Affirming a Disjunct
  • Masked-Man Fallacy
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Table Lookup
  • Arithmetic
  • Divide and Conquer
  • Linear Equations
  • Understanding Rules
  • Optimization
  • Travel Booking
  • Argument from Fallacy
  • Affirming the Consequent
  • Double Counting
  • Illicit Major
  • Attribute Substitution
  • Work Rate
  • Percentages
  • Conjunction Fallacy
  • Critical Thinking
  • Most Effective Summary
  • True Statement
  • Existential Fallacy
  • Modal Fallacy
  • Newspaper Excerpts
  • Correlation and Causation
  • Fractions
  • Chart Lookup
  • Rotating Elements
  • Project Timeline
  • Prioritization
  • Vacation Policies
  • The 4Ds
  • Competing Schedules
  • Reordering Tasks
  • Multitasking
  • Circular Reasoning
  • Dependent Events
  • Probability
  • Venn Diagram
  • Arithmetic Mean
  • Video
  • Exponential Function
  • Gantt Chart
  • Team Communication
  • Project Risk Management
  • Project Risk Management

For job roles

  • Project Manager

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G2 - High Performer - Winter (2025)
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