Terraform Online Test

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About the test

The Terraform online test assesses knowledge of using Terraform and its scripting language in order to manage data center infrastructure.

The assessment includes work-sample tasks such as:

  • Working with the HCL language.
  • Creating modules to ensure reusability and maintainability.
  • Using Terraform command line interface.

A good Terraform engineer or developer should be familiar with Terraform’s HCL language and other tools in order to create and maintain data center infrastructure.

Sample public questions

3 min

A company managing public parks is using Terraform modules for their web servers.

The following is a snippet from the module in the web_server folder:

variable "count_of_containers" {
  type = number

variable "port_number" {
  type = number

resource "docker_image" "park_web_image" {
  name = "parkweb:latest"

resource "docker_container" "park_web_server" {
  count = var.count_of_containers
  image = docker_image.park_web_image.latest
  name = "container-${count.index}"
  ports {
    internal = var.port_number
    external = var.port_number

How can another module in the same project use it?

3 min

A bridge design company is using Terraform to manage containers for programs that compute bridge integrity. The following is a snippet from their main.tf file:

resource "docker_image" "bridge_integrity" {
  name = "bridge_integrity:latest"

resource "docker_container" "bridge_integrity_container" {
  count = length(var.container_names)
  image = docker_image.bridge_integrity.latest
  name  = var.container_names[count.index]
  ports {
    internal = 80 
    external = 80

variable "container_names" {
  type = list(string)
  default = ["first", "second"]

What can be concluded from it?

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Skills and topics tested

  • Terraform
  • Configuration
  • Variable
  • Modules
  • Expressions

For job roles

  • DevOps Engineer
  • Terraform DevOps Engineer

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