Xamarin Online Test

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About the test

The Xamarin online test assesses mobile development skills using the Xamarin development framework.

The assessment includes work-sample tasks such as:

  • Creating user interfaces using XAML.

  • Linking objects with data binding.

  • Using the MVVM design pattern to separate the development of UI and business logic.

A good Xamarin developer needs to have a solid understanding of the Xamarin framework and the MVVM design pattern to develop mobile applications.

Sample public questions

3 min
Life Cycle

A gaming app 'TDGames' is in the development phase and has a form named 'GamePage' on which users can play games. The app should allow the players to continue their game when the app is started again after stopping.

Overriding what lifecycle methods on which file will help us achieve the above requirements?

Override the lifecycle event on the ___________ file.

Save the score on ___________.

Restore the score on ___________.

5 min

You are working on an app to read e-books. Your teammate shared the following code meant as a guideline for creating the table of contents:

<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
    <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">
        <StackLayout Padding="0, 20, 0, 0">
            <Label Text="Chapter 1" Margin="0, 20, 15, 5" />
            <Label Text="Topic 1" Margin="10, 15" />
            <Label Text="Sub-topic 1 A" Margin="20" />

        <StackLayout Padding="0, 20, 0, 0">
            <Label Text="Chapter 2" Margin="0, 20, 15, 5" />
            <Label Text="Topic 2" Margin="10, 15" />
            <Label Text="Sub-topic 2 A" Margin="20" />

What options are correct about the layout of the XAML elements?

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Skills and topics tested

  • Xamarin
  • XAML
  • MVVM
  • Xamarin Data Binding
  • Navigation
  • Xamarin Shell
  • Bug Fixing
  • Event Handling

For job roles

  • Mobile Developer
  • Xamarin Developer

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