Small IT Team Switches Entire Organization From Paper to Online Skill Testing
NHS Wales Informatics Service started using TestDome in one 30-person department. It was so successful that they scaled to use TestDome across the 600-person organization.
The Challenge: Create
a Skill Test In-House
Working for the NHS Wales Informatics Service is a big job. The team develops, delivers, and supports the health technology used throughout Wales. Needless to say, they're always hiring healthcare IT specialists.
Senior Product Specialist Paul Owen knew it was important to verify a candidate's skills before making a job offer. "Prior to using TestDome, we would ask candidates to complete a paper-based skills test with no access to the internet to assist them," said Paul.
There were two problems with the tests. They were paper-based, which didn't reflect how an IT professional would work in the real world. Plus, "We felt it added extra stress to an already pressured environment (an interview) and that could affect a candidate's performance," said Paul.
The Solution: Test Real-World Skills
With TestDome
Paul and his team looked for a web-based testing provider with real-world questions and found TestDome. They created tests to measure candidates' technical and problem solving skills and were pleased with the results.
"It's an excellent way for us to see how a candidate will approach their work should we decide to hire them," Paul said.

We have more confidence that the individuals we are recruiting are suitable for the work that we have planned for them.
The Results: Scaling
TestDome Organization-Wide
NHS Wales Informatics Service started using TestDome in one 30-person department. It was so successful that they scaled and now use TestDome across the 600-person organization.
According to Paul, one of the biggest benefits is that TestDome's real-world questions match real-world job positions. "We have more confidence that the individuals we are recruiting are suitable for the work that we have planned for them," Paul said.