Late Installation
You are on the support team for a cable/internet company and you have received the following email from a customer, Mike Smith:
I am very upset that your installation tech did not come to my home today at the appointed time. I took time off from work, all for no reason! I was told he should arrive between 12:00 and 5:00. He didn’t get here until 5:45. I could have just stayed at work since I normally get home at 5:30. This is not a good way to start my new service with you and I am already considering canceling!
A quick check of the notes on the customer’s account shows that the tech was scheduled to arrive ideally between 12:00 and 5:00pm, but didn’t get there until about 5:45 because of heavy traffic resulting from a car accident on one of the major crosstown roadways.
Please draft your response to this customer in the box below.
- Customer Emails
- Angry Customer
- Cancellation Threats
- Customer Service
- Manually Scored
Score Distribution
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